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Green All-optical Network Forum 2024

Ne manquez pas notre évènement annuel à Barcelone, organisé lors du Mobile World Congress !

Ce forum rassemble les acteurs phares de l’industrie des réseaux optiques pour discuter des dernières pratiques et tendances du secteur.

Programme 2024

  • 14:55-15:00 |   Welcome speech at the opening
    François Barrault, President, DigiWorld Institute
  • 15:00-15:05 | Keynote speech
    Vincent Garnier, CEO, FTTH council Europe
  • 15:05-15:15 | Fixed Broadband lndustry Development and Standard Progress
    Marcus Brunner,Vice chair, ETSI FSG ISG
  • 15:15-15:25 | Gigabit All-Optical Broadband Market lnsights and Target Networks
  • 15:25-15:45 | Winning the Market with the Ultimate User Experience: Sharing of Commercial Success Experiences of Gigabit Home Broadband
    Riku Paarni, CTO, Finland Lounea
    Mustafa Karakoç, Access Network Capabilities Director, Türkiye Turkcell
  • 15:45-16:05 | Building an All-Optical Network Infrastructure for the Intelligent Era: Sharing of Excellent Practices in All-Optical Transmission Target Networks
    – Emilio Flores Madero, CEO, Mexico GTAC
    – Hasan Alshemeili, Head of Technology Planning, UAE du
  • 16:05-16:15 | How to Reduce Carbon Footprint By Using All-optical Technologies
    – Maëlle CAMUS-GINGER, Head of Environment, ILIAD Group
  • 16:15-16:25 | All-Optical Innovation Enabling Giga Prosperity
    Jin Zhiguo, VP, Huawei Optical Product Une
  • 16:25-16:45 | « Green All-Optical Network Success Practice » Award
  • 16:45-16:55 | fgOTN, Defining a New Generation Standard for Production Communication Networks
    – Liu Xiang, Fellow of IEEE and OSA ITU-T Standards Expert Chief Scientist of Optical Standards, Huawei
  • 16:55-17:10 | FSG Advanced, the Foundation of lndustrial Intelligence
    – Gu Yunbo, President of Huawei Enterprise Optical Network Domain
  • 17:10-17:20 | MS-OTN, Building a High-Quality Electric Power Communication Network
    – Thiago Nascimento, Senior Telecom Specialist, Taesa Brazil
  • 17:20-17:30 | Fiber Sensing Achieves High-Precision and Intelligent Inspection
    – Sana Lallali, 
    Manager, Joint Innovation Center, Sonatrach
  • 17:30-17:40 | FTTO Enables High-Quality Green Campus Networks
    – Jaime Soroa Rubia, CTO, Moveam (Spain)

dès maintenant aux tendances de demain.