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FTTR: The Next Fibre Frontier

The evolution of fibre optics follows a clear trajectory: bringing connectivity ever closer to the end user. After transforming long-distance and home broadband connection networks, the next step is : Fibre to the Room (FTTR).

A technological journey towards the ubiquitous fibre
Since the 1980s, fibre optics has been at the heart of telecommunications innovation. Initially deployed for submarine connectivity, it became the backbone of networks in the 1990s, offering unmatched performance. However, due to its cost and complexity, fiber was initially reserved for core networks.
The next breakthrough came with FTTH (Fibre to the Home), extending fibre closer to homes and enabling widespread access to ultra-fast broadband.

FTTR: A revolution inside homes
Now, the next logical step is to extend fibre within homes, delivering a high-speed connection to every room. This advancement ensures optimal connectivity throughout the household, eliminating signal loss from Wi-Fi limitations or traditional cabling.

FTTR represents the next frontier of fibre, addressing the growing demand for seamless connectivity—whether for remote work, streaming, or smart home applications. By providing a more stable and faster connection in every part of the home, this technology marks a natural evolution toward an even more reliable and high-performing digital experience.

Operator’s strategy
FTTR was first launched in the Asia-Pacific region. Notable examples can be seen in Hong Kong and the United Arab Emirates.

The FTTR strategy for telecom operators is based on a combination of three pillars:

  1. It reinforces the role of disruptor and innovator in the market.
  2. It develops customer loyalty, either through a contractual commitment or through increased customer satisfaction (churn impact)
  3. It creates value by selling the FTTR service for a monthly subscription fee (ARPU impact)

Depending on local market conditions, regulations, and the telecom operator’s strategy, the FTTR business model is based on various combinations of these three pillars.

We are seeing European telecom operators starting to launch FTTR products, thus ushering in a new fibre era.

Be at the forefront of innovation

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